Czech Republic

So far I have been teaching in the Czech Republic for about 7 months. Looking back on my time here, I can see that it has been hard to eat healthy. I am used to food in America literally having a food label on EVERY package. Here in the CR only about 40% of the foods have a nutrition label (and they are often foreign foods). In the rare case that I can find the nutrition content on the package and translate it into English, it can still be a little complicated. For example, a 42 gram sized snack will have the nutrition for what is in 100 grams. So in other words, I have to then calculate the actual calories/protein/etc. of each package! In America I would pay close attention to food labels and it was simply what worked for me in staying healthy and maintaining my weight. Now I have to get creative in being healthy. It doesn’t help that there is a Potraviny (small food shop) on every corner with really cheap junk food, rohlik (bread rolls), baked goods, etc.

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